Your Semester So Far

 This semester has been quite intense, with ups and downs. My favourite class is computational tools because it focusses more on what I like: graphic design. I always learn something new that interests me, and it makes me super entertaining. In addition, the teacher is very friendly and flexible, which makes it even better. I feel like I'm making a lot of progress in this area, and that motivates me.

On the other hand, I have not enjoyed the class of processes and prototypes. He focusses a lot on industrial design, which I don't like at all. I don't get along with the tools, and the jobs have been complicated because I feel like I don't have the necessary skills. I don't like the transversal class either, because I'm alone, without my friends, and most of my classmates are from other careers, which makes it uncomfortable.

I don't have a very strict weekly plan, but I try to advance as much as possible during classes so as not to leave everything at the end. Even so, the jobs have been so demanding that I have had to dedicate the entire weekends to finish them.

In my free time, I relax listening to music or watching series, which helps me disconnect from the stress that this semester has brought. The projects have been much more demanding than I expected, but I'm moving forward.


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