2 Photos

In this photo I was 2 years old and I was on the beach with my mother and my mother's family. I think we were in Cartagena, in the Fifth Region. I remember sitting in the sand, trying to put on sunglasses that were obviously too big for me. Every time I see photos of that beach, I remember a lot of my grandparents because, since I was very little, we always went to that place together. My grandmother prepared delicious food to take away and my grandfather took me for a walk along the seashore. Although I was very small, those moments remained etched in my memory. The beach in Cartagena always makes me think of them and how happy I felt every time we were there. In this photo I was 18 years old and I was with my friends from university: Fer, Toto, Nacha, Sofi and Maxi. We had finished our first year of university and this photo is from the day we presented our clothing show, which was the final project of the semester. That year was incredible, I think the best I've had so fa...