A Good Friend

Summary of the text 

The text talks about the International Friendship Day, celebrated on July 30, was established by the UN to highlight the importance of friendship both personally and globally. Friendship not only improves our mental and physical health, but also promotes peace between nations. This day has its origin in Paraguay in 1958, and the UN made it official in 2011. It is celebrated with meetings, simple gifts and messages that highlight the value of friendship.

A Good Friend

My best friend is my cat Ramón, an orange kitten who came into my life in November 2022. He was super tiny when I found him, and from that moment we connected in a very special way. It was love at first sight. As it grew up, we realised that we have many things in common. The main thing is that we both love to sleep. If there is something we enjoy doing together is taking a good nap, sometimes he snuggles up next to me and there is no better feeling. We also like to just spend time together, without having to do anything in particular, just being there for each other. Ramón is the perfect companion, he is always close when I need a moment of calm, and I think we both enjoy that calm and relaxed connection that we share.


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